v137.1714 - Not enough data to plot the chart

I get "Not enough data to plot the chart" in Multicharts when using the attached strategy.
CANE Long DH2 EPP -Strategy 49163- IC.sqx
(157.84 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




29.07.2023 14:51

Task created



31.07.2023 13:03

Subject changed from v137.1714 - Not enough data to plot the chart to v137.1714 - Multicharts Not enough data to plot the chart


Mark Fric

31.07.2023 13:07

Subject changed from v137.1714 - Multicharts Not enough data to plot the chart to v137.1714 - Not enough data to plot the chart

Status changed from New to Refused

this doesn't seem to be SQ error. I see you are using custom blocks on Daily chart with periods like 22 - which means 22 days. 

I don't know how long data you have but I'd suspect you might not have enough data for the last 22 days.



02.08.2023 14:26

Hi Mark, actually I think it's this block of code:

LongEntrySignal = (({CustomBlock:IBS Close[0] >
Value1= AdaptiveMovAvg(Close,KAMAERPeriod1,KAMAShortPeriod1,KAMALongPeriod1)[1];
Value2= SQ_ParabolicSAR(0.02, 0.1)[1];
Level}(SQ_SafeDivide((Close[0] of Data2 - LowD(1) of Data2), (HighD(1) of Data2 - LowD(1) of Data2)) >= 0.94) and (Value1 < Value2)) and True);



02.08.2023 14:28
Once I reformatted it a bit so that Value1 & Value2 were not commented out, and LongEntrySignal actually evaluated to a value, then MultiCharts could plot a graph.

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