strategy generated by template has in MQL code comment of the name of template

if i generate strategy with template in the MQL code is in the custom comment or in the header only name of the template, not the strategy itself

so every strategy will have the same comment...comment must be the SQX filename

//| RandomTemplate-ADX.sqx EA
//| Generated by StrategyQuant 3.9.128 at 61/17/2019 14:53

extern string CustomComment = "RandomTemplate-ADX.sqx";

(203.28 KiB)
(25.94 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




17.07.2019 15:35

Task created


Mark Fric

07.08.2019 13:10

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

I don't understand.

I just tested it and it works for me. When I generate strategy from template it creates new name for every strategy - Strategy 0.1, Strategy 0.2 etc.

And it uses these names in CustomComment  variable.

What does it have to do with SQ 3 ? Your .mq4 file is from SQ3, not SQ X.



07.08.2019 13:46
já nemůžu za to, že v hlavičce je to kod z SQX - proč je tam napsáno generated by 3.9.128 netuším, asi to tak máte v templatě

a jde o to, že u všech strategií to do komentáře vepíše stejnou hodnotu 

extern string CustomComment = "RandomTemplate-ADX.sqx";

do customcomment to má snad doplňovat dle názvu souboru...

pokud to dělat nebude, tak budou mít všechny strategie vytvořené za pomoci templaty stejný komentář


//| RandomTemplate-ADX.sqx EA


//| Generated by StrategyQuant 3.9.128 at 61/17/2019 14:53


//| This EA uses 3rd party library OrderReliable for industry-strength 

//| order handling. OrderReliable library is normally distributed under 

//| GPL license. Its author provided it under MIT license limited to 

//| usage only within strategies generated by StrategyQuant.  


//| This means that this library doesn't restrict you to use your EA 

//| generated by SQ comercially in any way you want.  

//| But if you'll use any method from OrderReliable library outside 

//| of this EA in your own EAs or projects, its use will be governed 

//| by its standard GPL license.  


//| Scroll to the very bottom of this source code for the full text 

//| of OrderReliable license. 


#property copyright ""

#property link      ""

#include <stdlib.mqh>

#include <stderror.mqh>

const int SLPTTYPE_RANGE = 0;

const int SLPTTYPE_LEVEL = 1;


// -- Variables


extern string CustomComment = "RandomTemplate-ADX.sqx";


Mark Fric

07.08.2019 14:03
ktera je to sablona? 

to co jste prilozil neni sablona.

Jak jsem psal, mne to funguje, nevim jake nastaveni pouzivate.



07.08.2019 14:18
tohle můžeme odložit¨, už nevím a je to nepodstatné...podstatnější u šablon je tento problém, že to obchoduje úplně jinak a tam je i ta šablona přiložená


Mark Fric

07.08.2019 14:25

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

Attachment added

dobre. na ten druhy problem jsme se uz koukali, melo  by to byt opraveno, jeste to testujem.

Pro rychly fix nez vyjde novy build zkuste nahradit soubor \extend\Code\MetaTrader4\ timto prilozenym a znovu vygenerujte strategii.

Udelejte si ale zalohu, neni to otestvano takhle nahrazenim jenom jednoho souboru.

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