Add "Bars falling" and "Bars rising" to Rising & Falling Signals' parameters

Presently you can specify the number of bars that an indicator is rising/falling for but only in the Operators section of the Indicators building blocks. It would be great if we could specify it also for each individual Rising/Falling Signal. This is important not only because the default (2) is somewhat of a weak signal (i.e. as compared to a value of 4), but also because we might want the bars rising/falling to be specific to each Signal individually.

Thank you!

Ryan Hartstein

(61.86 KiB)
  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Archived
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




17.07.2019 23:21

Task created



18.07.2019 10:46
Voted for this task.


03.08.2019 17:44
Voted for this task.


03.09.2019 17:26
Please also add every x bars for rising/falling bars. This would only permit signals on consecutive bars on every x rate. This will be beneficial when renkos are introduced

For example. Say you have 10 rising bars in a row. If x was 2 in this example, signals would only be allowed on every second bar. If x was 3, signals would only be allowed on every third bar and so on. When there is a bar in the opposite direction, this would break the consecutive bars and would not be considered rising anymore. I was going to make an indicator to handle this logic but doing it in SQ natively so that SQ can determine these values by itself while building would be great.


Mark Fric

26.11.2020 10:55

Status changed from New to Archived

Votes: +2

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