stop separately island evolution

wouldn't it be logical to stop each island evolution separately when the databank limit is reached?
let's say evolution and the databank limit is reached by 1000 strategies, say # 3 island evolution is not stagnant and it's like 50th generation,
and the stagnation limit is at 30 gen. my thoughts would be that perhaps it would be better to stop the whole generation when the evolution of all the islands did not cross 30 together.and then move on to the next task retester or other (in task flow)

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20.07.2019 18:45

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21.07.2019 18:43
but the islands are independent (you can set only a migration between them), why to stop whole generation?

Mark Fric

24.09.2020 13:54

Status changed from New to Refused

you can limit the total number of strategies you generate

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