WFM - new filtering with 1 click after a long retest process

Dear SQ Team

I was wondering if it would be possible the following "trick".
Let say, I have 200 strategies and I let run a WFM on these in the "Crosschecks".

I set up of course my filtering criteria and the bad strategies will be always automatically deleted. Let say after a 5 hours process I have 65 strategies left based on my first criteria.
But what if I suddenly would like to filter these based on other discipline? I have to load the new filtering criteria at all the 65 strategies. It is very time consuming.

Would it be possible to make it likeĀ  "bunch-style"? It means, I load the same filtering criteria with one click and it will be applied on all the 65 strategies? So I would see immediately if (let say a more strict) the new filtering does better job or not.

Best regards and thank you
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




03.02.2021 11:59

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