Include 'No New Trades' as a Parameter Variable

IT would be great to include as a feature the ability to apply 'no new trades' in the Parameter Variables to an SQX generated EA so that we can allow existing trades to play out but ensure no new trades are taken. This would then allow us to include revised EA's in addition to existing EA's and allow for rotation into the new EAs on trade completion in the live or demo environment.

So for example I have a portfolio EA that trades 7 strategies for EURUSD on the D1 timeframe. After a year or so I now want to replace this EA with a new portfolio EA for EURUSD on D1. I therefore select 'no new trades' on the initial portfolio EA which then allows existing trades to complete but ensures no new trades are taken. At the same time I can install my new Portfolio EA and allow it to operate as per we have a smooth transition. Once all trades are closed on the old EA...I can delete this EA from the Chart...and simply continue on with the new EA until next year.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




07.02.2021 04:58

Task created



09.02.2021 20:58
Voted for this task.

Mark Fric

16.02.2021 10:38

Status changed from New to Refused

sorry, but this is a very specific feature, you can do this by simply editing the source code of the strategy and commenting out the entry rules. Then the strategy will run, but it will not take new trades.

Votes: +1

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