Adding 'Move SL to below BE': giving room to breathe to trade while protecting capital

It would be cool just to move SL to a value below breakeven, for example to -0.5 ATR from BE.

Sometimes you want to protect the trade but sometimes it doesn't give room especially on big runs.
Simple but effective way to increase profitability long term.

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  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal



Chris G

24.04.2021 03:42

Task created


Chris G

24.04.2021 05:32

Subject changed from Allow negative values to move SL to BE and, giving room to the trade to Adding 'Move SL to below BE': giving room to breathe to trade while protecting capital

Attachment Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 230018.png added

Screen Shot 2021-04-23 at 230018.png
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Most of the time when you open a position and you put SL to BE, you protect capital. 

But the downside is sometimes you will miss a big move, especially if price has retracements before going into the trend as you can see in the attached picture.

One feature to prevent this is adding 'Move SL to below BE'. 

Let's say after price has moved in your favor 0.7 ATR, move SL to -0.5 ATR (Breakeven price minus 0.5 ATR)

That could be additional to the actual Move to SL, so we could have both.

As an example:

If price moves in your favor 0.7 ATR, move SL to -0.5 ATR

Then if price move in your favor 1.2 ATR, move SL to BE.



24.04.2021 05:51
Voted for this task.


24.04.2021 11:35
Voted for this task.


24.04.2021 12:35
Voted for this task.

Chris G

24.04.2021 17:29
Voted for this task.

Votes: +4

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