Project Task: Load from files (basic strategy settings only option)

Can you please add a feature to this task type (check box) that allows us to load only the basic settings from a strategy file.

This will be very handy when a number of large strategy files have been saved with extras like MC tests, other market tests, WFM grids etc. 

When loading a number of these larger files SQ crashes and it would be good to be able to load only the basic settings for each strategy for running additional tests, especially for those of us who have been using SQ for a while and have large libraries of strategies that we may want to retest for other purposes.

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  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




30.04.2021 11:51

Task created



30.04.2021 11:51
Voted for this task.


30.04.2021 11:52

Subject changed from Project Task: Load from files to Project Task: Load from files (basic strategy settings only option)



30.04.2021 17:54
To be clear, you want the actual strategies to be loaded as well as their settings right? You just want to NOT load the cumbersome test results? 

Maybe an option to save them this way in the save task would also be useful?

I've had similar problems and began imagining something like a load in batches option for the Load From Files task. It was so tedious to put them manually in groups of 5k files to load them in batches. If it could remember which files it already loaded and automatically load the next 5k files that would be sweet.



30.04.2021 17:54
Voted for this task.


30.04.2021 20:15
Voted for this task.


01.05.2021 10:18
@bentra. Yeah basic settings includes the strategy itself otherwise it's completely useless for retesting. 

Basically what I want to do is for SQ to load the absolute minimum amount of data required for a strategy to apply configs to tasks and do retests.

Doing this in the "save to files" task will also be very beneficial too!

Votes: +3

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