Additive Algorithm Building

Please consider the following method of building vs the current Random Build, Genetic Build, Improver.


  1. Find Entry. Using the concepts from "Statistically sound machine learning for algorithmic trading of financial instruments" (Timothy Masters) "Indicators and Targets" chapter, find the indicators for the relevant timeframe, where wins are more than losses using a choice of 2 or both methods.
    1. Using a ATR SL/TP
    2. Using the same signal for reversed signal as exit of original position and entry of new position
  2. "Improve" the Entry strat using a combination in iterative and/or combined methods
    1. "Improve Entry" - "Add only" X rules, where X is defaulted to 1, to improve the Entry of the strat. User can classify in Random groups, "Trend direction" or "Volatility" or "News Awareness" filters so that user might choose which category of random groups to be used to improve this entry only strat.  Rules should be allowed to be added on other timeframes (higher or lower). 
    2. "Improve Exit" - similar to "Improve Entry",
      1. improve strat in same mechanism,
      2. additional ability to add, strip or randomize ATM.
      3. Randomizing using "Or" condition to add rules as well as "and".  (Currently, only observing "and" rules in exits. Might be an observation bias on my part)
    3. "Improve " Stoploss - In using reversed signal in find Entry, user might not use Stoploss to check the raw effectiveness of the signal.  Hence need to add SL / TP after that.
      1. Add/improve Stoploss conditions (MFE vs MAE - The most Crucial Trading Stat EVER!)


  • Votes +8
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




14.05.2021 04:02

Task created



14.05.2021 04:02

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14.05.2021 04:05

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d. "Improve Take Profit" - Similar to "Improve Stoploss"
e. "Improve Trading Options" E.g. but not limited to
    1. E.g. introducing/removing Limit Time Range, including the time range open and close.
    2. Optimizing on Minimum SL / TP
f. "Improve Money Management" options by adding
    1. Equity Curve Hacking option to support the existing options.  It is known by different names and implementations.  One of which could be if the equity curve is lower than its own SMA 20.  Or if returns is <-2 std dev of the last 20 trades etc.


Other notes

  1. In "Find Entry", the single indicator rules can be used increase the probability that those rules should be used in "Building block" for new strat building process.  This method might make Fuzzy Logic method of building more directed, giving more results in a shorter time.  Or in the other modes, a higher probability that strat generate has a better chance of success, increasing accepted strat per strat generated metric.
  2. "Add only" as opposed to "Add or Replace" in Improver can help to reduce the search space for more efficient algorithm search.
  3. QA might have "What-if" scenarios, like not taking trades at the 23rd hour, however, that is a 2 stage process, meaning user needs to load it up and do a What-If in QA.  Whilst its good to maintain this functionality in QA, it would also be more efficient if SQ can generate the "What-If" within the builder as well.  The QA option of What-if "hours" is might not address the finer grain control if user wants to only avoid trades after 2320 hrs as opposed to 2300hrs.


14.05.2021 04:42
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14.05.2021 04:51
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14.05.2021 05:51
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14.05.2021 07:41
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14.05.2021 10:40
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Chris G

15.05.2021 17:49
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11.08.2021 04:47
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02.02.2023 10:05
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Votes: +8

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