[132]Can it possible add a feature that only can close position after T+1

Dear SQ team

Some trading rule in Asia's stock markets people can't close position at the same day.
That's mean the position only can close with T+1(T means entry day)
So, can it possible to add this T+1 Exit feature.
Thank you.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




10.07.2021 08:47

Task created



10.07.2021 08:51
Voted for this task.


10.07.2021 09:04
Yes, That's a great suggestion!

For example, for stock trading in mainland China, positions bought on the same day can only be sold on the next day at the earliest, and cannot be traded for sale on the same day. 

Foreign investors investing in Chinese stock market must also comply with this rule.

Can it possible to add a T+t earliest sell time limit option,  T means entry day, t means time limit. when t=1, T+1 means Stock trading rules in China. When t=other times, It will be some closed-end(closed period) fund trading rules.

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