CodeEditor : request for New Java keyword to deactivate some Snippets calculus

1/   For each strategy, SQX is calculating each column snippets .

2/ However , month after month we are adding more and more user snippets (such as  modified Sharpe ratio, etc.) for the databanks and other calculus .

Some user snippets are useful as starting point to develop new snippet but are not always necessary for the SQX Strategy calculus.

Some previous snippets version can be obsolete but necessary in the CodeEditor as a developer to give new idea. 
We need to keep them in the CodeEditor, we can not delete them.

3/ More we add column snippets, more SQX take time to calculate each snippets even if its calculus is not always  necessary on the moment .

As SQX calculate tens of thousands of strategies, a considerable number of CPU hours may be lost on  snippets we are not using on the moment.

SQX will run slower as we add more and more column snippets

Would it be possible to add a Java CodeEditor Keyword telling SQX to not do the calculus of a specific snippets ?

Maybe at the beginning of the class ?

public class SharpeRatio2 extends DatabankColumn 

With this added function, we could keep SQX working only on the snippets we are using on the moment. 

SQX will run better even if we develop more column snippets in the CodeEditor

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  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




18.03.2022 19:12

Task created



18.03.2022 19:12
Voted for this task.


18.03.2022 19:15

Subject changed from CodeEditor : request for New Java keyword to deactivate some calculus (KPI) to CodeEditor : request for New Java keyword to deactivate some Snippets calculus



18.03.2022 19:27
Voted for this task.


18.03.2022 19:29
Great idea! A way to temporarily disable some snippets would be nice.


22.03.2022 15:01
Voted for this task.


25.03.2022 08:44
Good idea. we will add special annotation @Disabled(true/false)

Votes: +3

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