[Quality of Life] Display Notes on the Progress page


I'd like to request a Quality of Life improvement that may prove useful when sharing strategies and configs.


Would it be possible to display notes on the Progress page so I don't have to go all the way into the Full Settings page to look at it? It doesn't have to be editable, it can just be read-only and show only an excerpt and maybe with a button to quickly navigate to the full Notes tab.

You can put it maybe as a tab on the Settings Summary block (like in the attached image below), and if possible, with an option to toggle whether you want to show Settings Summary or Notes by default when you switch to the Progress page.

Another thing that isn't important but might be useful is the ability to change text size and color in Notes so I can do something like writing "DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THE TIME FRAME" in big red font to catch my attention. It doesn't have to be able to change the size by pixels, just being able to change the format is enough. (Paragraph, Header 1, Header 2, and so on.)


When you clone a custom project, sometimes you might forget to adjust some important values or forget what each of the tasks inside that custom project does, and the task name has a character limit (if you name it too long, it gets truncated) so it can be hard to understand what the task does just from looking at the name. When you have many custom projects, it's impossible to memorize all of them in detail.

The Notes tab is good for this, but it's inside the Full Settings page, all the way in the back. Not exactly great for when you want to be reminded because sometimes you even forget to go there and read.

Displaying Notes right on the Progress page can serve as a quick reminder of what a task does and if any settings need to be adjusted when the project is cloned. And because it's on the Progress page, it's hard to miss it.

This is also useful when you share your custom projects with the community. I'm sure some people download other people's projects and try to use them without even looking at the Notes tab first and then later come and complain when they fail.


I'm sorry if this has already been requested. The search function on this site doesn't work for some reason, the filters also don't work, and I can't access the Roadmap page for some reason so I can't possibly know what has already been implemented. I'm not going to read through 50+ pages to find out if this feature has already been requested.

Screenshot 2022-04-03 191235.jpg
(5.44 KiB)
Screenshot 2022-04-03 183832.jpg
(36.35 KiB)
  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




03.04.2022 14:48

Task created



03.04.2022 14:50

Subject changed from [Quality of Life] Display Notes on the Progress page and, possibly, as a Task in Custom Projects to [Quality of Life] Display Notes on the Progress page

A bit unrelated but why can't I change my display name? I don't want it to display my email. I have already changed the display name on the StrategyQuant site.


03.04.2022 16:42
This search the roadmap problem has been a problem for many years. If you use a clear cache such as using a fresh incognito tab to browse to the roadmap,  you will then be able to search. 


03.04.2022 16:43
Voted for this task.


03.04.2022 18:40
Voted for this task.

Votes: +2

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