Custom projects: Should open the same last tab when changing task (less clicking)

At this moment, when you want to check "trading options" in every task you have to clic the task and then clic "trading options", clic the next task, again "trading options". That is annoying, checking 8 tasks is like 16 clics. Why cannot SQX open by default the last tab you saw, but in every task you clic?
For example, you should click "trading options" and then click on every task inside the "custom project" and always "trading options" should be the tab that is open. In the case that some task does not have "trading options", then the next tab should be open by default.

To program this, an easy way is hidden numbering of tabs. If I last clic a tab number 3, then every time I change the tasks, the last tab is number 3. Even if that task does not have the same 3 tab of other task

That could ease the users clicking a lot
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  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




17.04.2022 17:43

Task created



17.04.2022 20:01
Voted for this task.


18.04.2022 03:39
Voted for this task.


19.04.2022 10:40
Voted for this task.

Votes: +3

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