Add an option to update the custom blocks on a Strategy Template if there are variances between SQX and Strategy template

I have a Custom Project with Strategy Template using a random group with a few custom blocks. Since I've updated the custom blocks without opening the strategy template, I always get the annoying dialog box that there are undefined custom blocks.

Could you please add an option to update the custom blocks on the Strategy Template so that I won't get the same dialog box?

I tried updating the custom blocks on the strategy template by exporting the custom blocks and import into the strategy template but it didn't work.

(38.69 KiB)
  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




28.06.2022 06:17

Task created



28.06.2022 06:17
Voted for this task.


28.06.2022 06:18

Subject changed from Add an option to update the custom blocks on a Strategy Template to Add an option to update the custom blocks on a Strategy Template if there are variances between SQX and Strategy template

I have a Custom Project with Strategy Template using a random group with a few custom blocks. Since I've updated the custom blocks without opening the strategy template, I always get the annoying dialog box that there are undefined custom blocks.

Could you please add an option to update the custom blocks on the Strategy Template so that I won't get the same dialog box?

I tried updating the custom blocks on the strategy template by exporting the custom blocks and import into the strategy template but it didn't work.



28.06.2022 06:21
I have a Custom Project with Strategy Template using a random group with a few custom blocks. Since I've updated the custom blocks without opening the strategy template, I always get the annoying dialog box that there are undefined custom blocks.

Could you please add an option to update the custom blocks on the Strategy Template so that I won't get the same dialog box? Also, could you please display which Custom Project or Strategy Template has a mismatch so that I know which one to check.

I tried updating the custom blocks on the strategy template by exporting the custom blocks and import into the strategy template but it didn't work.



29.06.2022 11:57
Voted for this task.

clonex / Ivan Hudec

29.06.2022 13:11
Voted for this task.

Votes: +3

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