Add an option to customize Email Subject and Body on Notification Task

I can add multiple notifications in a custom project but the email does not tell what task has been completed.

Could you please add an option to specify the email Subject and email body?

The email subject and body can use templates. 

Example 1:  I have a Build task with the name "Strategy Generation". I want to be notified if this task is completed and see how many strategies were generated. 
Subject: {Task Name} Finish: {Project Name} {Symbol} {Timeframe}
Body: {Task Name} has finished with {Number of Strategies} strategies
Task Dropdown: Strategy Generation

The generated email based on the template above will be 
Subject: Build Finish: Trend Following USDJPY15M
Body: Build has finished with 1000 strategies

(13.09 KiB)
  • Votes +3
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




06.07.2022 09:12

Task created



06.07.2022 09:13
Voted for this task.


06.07.2022 09:14

Subject changed from Add an Email Subject on Notification Task to Add an option to customize Email Subject and Body on Notification Task

I can add multiple notifications in a custom project but the email does not tell what task has been completed.

Could you please add an option to customize the Email Subject and Body?

The email subject and body can use templates. 

Example 1:  I have a Build task with the name "Strategy Generation". I want to be notified if this task is completed and see how many strategies were generated. 
Subject: {Task Name} Finish: {Project Name} {Symbol} {Timeframe}
Body: {Task Name} has finished with {Number of Strategies} strategies
Task Dropdown: Strategy Generation

The generated email based on the template above will be 
Subject: Build Finish: Trend Following USDJPY15M
Body: Build has finished with 1000 strategies



13.07.2022 14:11
Voted for this task.


07.09.2022 13:59
Voted for this task.

Votes: +3

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