Custom Project : list of tasks

In Custom Project ,  when we expand the list of tasks on multiple columns,

the task does not follow each other .

In this example (attached capture) , as you can see the task at the end is 13, then the next one is 66 .

Would it be possible to have the next task instead : 14 ?

11, 12 , 13 , 14  ?

instead of 11, 12 , 13, 66 

I made a little video to explain  how it could work if we scroll down :

I attached a copy of my excel file of the video

Like that we would see the first 24 tasks on 2 columns, (or the first 36 tasks on 3 columns,  or the first 48 tasks on 4 columns etc.)

(88.26 KiB)
  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




22.09.2022 14:18

Task created



22.09.2022 14:18
Voted for this task.


22.09.2022 14:19

Subject changed from Custom Project : list of custom task to Custom Project : list of tasks



22.09.2022 14:20

Description changed:

In Custom Project ,  when we expand the list of tasks on multiple column,

the task does not follow each other .

In this example (attached capture) , as you can see the task at the end is 13, then the next one is 66 .

Would it be possible to have the next task instead : 14

11, 12 , 13 , 14  ?

instead of 11, 12 , 14, 66 

Like that we would see the first 24 tasks on 2 columns, (or the first 36 tasks on 3 columns,  or the first 48 tasks on 4 columns etc.)



22.09.2022 22:28
But then what's supposed to happen when you scroll down a little? Like you want it to be in pagination?


23.09.2022 07:28

Description changed:

In Custom Project ,  when we expand the list of tasks on multiple columns,

the task does not follow each other .

In this example (attached capture) , as you can see the task at the end is 13, then the next one is 66 .

Would it be possible to have the next task instead : 14 ?

11, 12 , 13 , 14  ?

instead of 11, 12 , 14, 66 

I made a little video to explain  what happen if we scroll down :

I attached a copy of my excel file of the video

Like that we would see the first 24 tasks on 2 columns, (or the first 36 tasks on 3 columns,  or the first 48 tasks on 4 columns etc.)

Attachment SQX Custom Project view.xlsx added

SQX Custom Project view.xlsx
(12.00 KiB)


23.09.2022 07:35

Description changed:

In Custom Project ,  when we expand the list of tasks on multiple columns,

the task does not follow each other .

In this example (attached capture) , as you can see the task at the end is 13, then the next one is 66 .

Would it be possible to have the next task instead : 14 ?

11, 12 , 13 , 14  ?

instead of 11, 12 , 14, 66 

I made a little video to explain  what happen if we scroll down :

I attached a copy of my excel file of the video

Like that we would see the first 24 tasks on 2 columns, (or the first 36 tasks on 3 columns,  or the first 48 tasks on 4 columns etc.)

Attachment SQX Custom Project view.xlsx added

SQX Custom Project view.xlsx
(12.00 KiB)


23.09.2022 07:42
Thank you Bentra for your question

I made a little video of what could happen if we scroll a little



23.09.2022 14:35

Description changed:

In Custom Project ,  when we expand the list of tasks on multiple columns,

the task does not follow each other .

In this example (attached capture) , as you can see the task at the end is 13, then the next one is 66 .

Would it be possible to have the next task instead : 14 ?

11, 12 , 13 , 14  ?

instead of 11, 12 , 13, 66 

I made a little video to explain  how it could work if we scroll down :

I attached a copy of my excel file of the video

Like that we would see the first 24 tasks on 2 columns, (or the first 36 tasks on 3 columns,  or the first 48 tasks on 4 columns etc.)



23.09.2022 14:52
Voted for this task.


11.11.2022 08:09

Status changed from New to Refused

Thanks for the idea but we don't plan to change the way how task list is displayed.


11.11.2022 12:50

Attachment image-0.png added

(158.73 KiB)
It does not make any sense to have the task 11, 12 , 13 then  66 ?? in the middle of your project  ?

it is making the second column useless.

we need the following task from 11,12,13, 14,15,16 of course 

Did you look at the video or the excel file ?



11.11.2022 13:38

Type changed from Bug to Feature

Status changed from Refused to New

I understand what you want to achieve. Ok, maybe we can do it in next version 137


11.11.2022 13:59
this would be awesome.

This view is a good idea, and this view is helping a lot as we are working  most of the time on a Custom Project with multiple tasks

Votes: +2

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