[Feature] MAGIC number handling in sqcli.exe

I want to handle the MAGIC number in sqcli.exe

I want to do the following steps:
1: Load strategy "Strategy 2.27.156.sqx"
2: Set MAGIC number 1234 to "Strategy 2.27.156.sqx"
3: Save the "Strategy 2.27.156.sqx" as "test.sqx" that has "MAGIC number 1234".
4: Generate Metatrader4 code as test.mq4 that has "MAGIC number 1234".
5: Finally, terminate sqcli.exe

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-As a full license holder, you can suggest the feature

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




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