136 dev 5 hung

Came home to this

notice the log file didn't update until I actually closed sqx.... it was sitting at 0kb 20 hours later
(377.75 KiB)
(151.38 KiB)
(29.07 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




15.10.2022 04:15

Task created



29.10.2022 16:25
Are you able to reproduce the error ? If yes can you please attach the problematic project file ?

Log file is full of error messages

16:55:29.241 [Nonblocking computeThread - 398 - Builder_14] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DidiIndexCrossDown

16:55:29.242 [Nonblocking computeThread - 398 - Builder_14] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block BHErgodicCrossUP

16:55:29.242 [Nonblocking computeThread - 398 - Builder_14] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block BHErgodicCrossUP

16:55:29.242 [Nonblocking computeThread - 398 - Builder_14] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block BHErgodicCrossUP

16:55:36.432 [Nonblocking computeThread - 390 - Builder_6] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DSSBressertCrossDown

16:55:36.435 [Nonblocking computeThread - 390 - Builder_6] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DSSBressertCrossDown

16:55:36.436 [Nonblocking computeThread - 390 - Builder_6] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DSSBressertCrossDown

16:55:36.439 [Nonblocking computeThread - 390 - Builder_6] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DSSBressertCrossDown

16:55:38.232 [Nonblocking computeThread - 401 - Builder_17] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block BHErgodicDown

16:55:38.232 [Nonblocking computeThread - 401 - Builder_17] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block BHErgodicDown

16:55:38.233 [Nonblocking computeThread - 401 - Builder_17] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DidiIndexCrossDown

16:55:38.233 [Nonblocking computeThread - 401 - Builder_17] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DidiIndexCrossDown

16:55:38.233 [Nonblocking computeThread - 401 - Builder_17] ERROR ConditionsNegater - Cannot find field Null in block DidiIndexCrossDown....



09.03.2023 09:45

Status changed from New to Fixed



15.03.2023 13:56
Voted for this task.

Votes: +1

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