Some problems found in the process of developing random strategies with templates

 I have an idea that I want to apply a good strategy developed in the early stage to another highly related instrument.I want to adjust slightly profit target, stop loss and PriceEntryMult. So I made a template.   Please see the attachment
Now I find that the randomly generated parameters of PriceEntryMult are normal. However, the random generation of profit target and stop loss is problematic. It looks like a bug.
     The phenomenon is as follows:
    1.When strategies is randomly generated by builder, SQX does not operate according to the parameter settings in the strategy template.Instead, follow the parameter settings in  "what to buil" of builder. include settings :"PT is required?" , Min and Max of fixed pips. Obviously,SQX did not follow the expected PT,SL step (setting in template) to generate the strategy.
    2. Profit Target and stop loss cannot customize  adjusted the step of  parameters in building block like any other exit types. 
    3. At the same, Suppose you try to modify trailing stop (based ATR) to random in the strategy template, you can only randomly generate a parameter. As you can see, there should be two parameters here. I think the same problem exists if you need randomly generate  PT or stop loss based ATR.
Trailing stop.jpg
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PT parameters.jpg
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what to build.jpg
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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




16.11.2022 14:57

Task created



16.11.2022 14:57
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16.11.2022 15:00
I reported this bug by email in late September.But the staff seems to have forgotten to record the task, so I resubmitted it myself.


25.11.2022 15:45
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