Some suggestions to improve the efficiency of the cloning workflow.

As we all know, custom project is a very powerful and flexible feature of sqx. It can greatly improve the efficiency of the development strategy. After a lot of use, I have a small suggestion.

1.We can often easily modify symbols and timeframes when cloning a custom project. However, if we modify the symbol uniformly when cloneing new custom project, commisions,slippage,spread  will not be changed automaticly to the default fee which can be obtained from datamanager settings.
2. Further, for multiple tasks in one custom project for the same symbol, commisions,swap, spread, slippage of data menu, trading options menu, initial capital, MM management of Moeny management menu, all these variables are almost constant, they are global variables. Therefore, it is better to create a unified interface to set these variables to improve efficiency. Then it can be modified individually for special cases, such as change a bigger slipaage in slippage retest task.Especially for emerging market futures, the margin, the commision, and slippage  between the various instruments are very huge.  To be honest, build as big a portfolio as i can, i think it's a waste of too much time to modify these settings repeatedly for fifteen or sixteen tasks in the process of using a custom project.  

3. Of course, for data range of data menu, there may be a big change in different tasks. Whether it is in the unified setting interface is debatable.
So my conclusion is: 
1.For the variable in each menu in each task, it is necessary to measure whether it is the most commonly used global variable, and to classify it, there should be a unified setting interface for such variables.Of course, you can continue to personalize it in each task.
2. At the same time, when modifying the symbol uniformly when cloneing custom project, the default settings of the data manager should be called to update all the fee in every task setting.Just like when you create a new custom project or task, the default fee is automatically invoked when you select an symbol.

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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




26.11.2022 05:22

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26.11.2022 05:23
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26.11.2022 16:56
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