Build 136 RC1 : Algowizard , missing OR/AND conditions, incorrectly positioned. Brackets

1/    In Build 136 RC1, in Algowizard , we have 3 bugs :

- We need to see the brackets in dark skin

- Some AND or OR conditions does not appear in RC 1

- the Closing brackets are at the incorrect position on the right side

2/   Please find an attached word documents and a video for the details

3/ With Build 136 dev5, I prepared for you the Template of the video, so you can test Build136RC2 

This template is available for you if you want to test Build 136RC2.

(I can only send it to you in private manner, please tell me how I can send it)

I hope the word document, the video and the template will help

I  see multiples improvements from Dev7 :
- the Trading signals rules are loading correctly
- Algowizard is running faster
- we can open multiple templates
- we can find variable in an assign function
- we can copy paste from one rule to the next rule, this is excellent 
- we can read all the rules 
- the dark skin is perfect
- the variables dialog box is running well , we can scroll down
- we can read correctly the variable name in dark skin in the variables dialog box
- and more ...

Thank you for your excellent work

No attachments
  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Moved
  • Priority Normal
  • Assignee None




29.11.2022 00:25

Task created



29.11.2022 00:26
Voted for this task.


29.11.2022 00:27

Description changed:

1/    In Build 136 RC1, in Algowizard , we have 3 bugs :

- We need to see the brackets in dark skin

- Some AND or OR conditions does not appear in RC 1

- the Closing brackets are at the incorrect position on the right side

2/   Please find an attached word documents and a video for the details

3/ With Build 136 dev5, I prepared for you the Template of the video, so you can test Build136RC2 

This template is available for you if you want to test Build 136RC2.

(I can only send it to you in private manner, please tell me how I can send it)

I hope the word document, the video and the template will help

I  see multiples improvements from Dev7 :
- the Trading signals rules are loading correctly
- Algowizard is running faster
- we can open multiple templates
- we can find variable in an assign function
- we can copy paste from one rule to the next rule, this is excellent 
- we can read all the rules 
- the dark skin is perfect
- the variables dialog box is running well , we can scroll down
- we can read correctly the variable name in dark skin in the variables dialog box
- and more ...

Thank you for your excellent work



29.11.2022 00:30
Voted for this task.


29.11.2022 01:37
Voted for this task.


29.11.2022 09:35
Task moved to project AlgoWizard, new link to task:


29.11.2022 11:58
Voted for this task.

Votes: +4

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