Auto-bring-in-defaults-from-instrument not working for crosschecks anymore

in 135, we could hit the switch for additional market spread or slippage and it would bring in the defaults from the instrument settings. This no longer works in 136.

In 135 it used to work like this:
If it was off and you clicked it then the default settings from the instrument data of the crosscheck market would appear and you could customize it from there with typing.
If it was on and you clicked it then the settings would to turn grey and the value would be changed to the main data settings of the task.

135 function was very useful because I can quickly bring in the settings from either the main data or the instrument default of the crosscheck symbol. But now, in 136, I have to manually set 86 symbols to their corresponding symbol defaults....

There was another bug, now fixed in 136 where clicking the SPREAD switch would actually reset the SLIPPAGE setting. However, due to a miscommunication, we lost the important function described above when that bug was fixed....

  • Votes +4
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




02.01.2023 19:20

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02.01.2023 19:21
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02.01.2023 20:07
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03.01.2023 10:32
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05.01.2023 04:11
The workaround is to switch the switch on and then change the symbol to something else and then back again, this will bring in the symbol defaults. 

One can also use the "mass change custom symbol" function to bring in the defaults in bulk without actually changing the symbols but one must remember to turn the switch on before performing the bulk change function.



15.01.2023 10:10
Voted for this task.

Lee Guan Chuan

01.02.2023 06:59

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: +4

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