SQX_137 - XLSX / CSV Export/Import, or Merge, Function for Building Blocks Selection

Hi SQX Team

Please can you consider adding to SQX, Building Blocks tab, a function to Export / Import the current Building Blocks selection in XSLX / CSV file format, so that the user can open, compare and edit the Building Block line item selection in Excel, and then Import the edited XSLX / CSV Building Block selection file back into SQX. I suggest the user need only edit the 'Use' column selection status for each Building Block line item. This would make it easier for the user to combine successful Building Block selections, from multiple *.SQB templates, than doing this within SQX; which only provides a view of 1x Building Block listing at a time.

Alternatively (which may be easier for you to implement), could you add a 'Merge' option to the existing *.SQB templates 'Import' function, allowing the user to ‘Merge’ the selection from multiple *.SQB templates, rather than only the default 'Overwrite' option.



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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




15.01.2023 12:43

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15.01.2023 20:46
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