Swap miscalculation

SQX Build 136 incorrectly calculates the swap value at least for the EURTRY currency pair. My broker calculates a daily swap value of 1 USD for this currency pair and reduces the daily profit by this amount. So, if I hold a position for 10 days, I am at a -10 USD loss on the swap.
In SQX Build 136, I have set the daily swap value to +1 USD to deduce this amount in the result. However, none of the generated strategies on timeframe D1 calculated the swap correctly. As an example, I attach one such strategy where ticket 1 indicates the number of days in trade is 8, so the swap should be 8*(-1 USD) = -8 USD, but SQX calculated only -0.01 USD.

EURTRY_D1_Strategy 11153.sqx
(37.98 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




19.01.2023 20:32

Task created



19.01.2023 20:51
Voted for this task.

Lee Guan Chuan

15.02.2023 04:24

Status changed from New to Fixed

Attachment Capture.jpg added

(69.72 KiB)
Hi pequeno,

I have checked the logic and it looks correct to me.

A = point value

B = tick size

C = Swap costs

Pip Value = A * B

Swap calculation = A * B * C

You can refer to this.


You need to check the symbol details is correctly set.

Thank you.

Votes: +1

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