Improve Random Groups & Custom Blocks usability

The use of Random Groups and Custom Blocks is a very clever and useful feature for SQX. However, its current implementation makes using this feature quite cumbersome. Each time you load a new SQX template, you are typically having to use the dialogue where you choose to keep the original, overwrite, or create new blocks, depending on the differences between the new SQX template and the previous. I'd like to basically eliminate the need for that dialgoue.

The way I'd propose going about this is as follows:

1. Create a global repository for Random Groups and Custom Blocks.  You could put this on the left vertical navigation, i.e. below "AlgoWizard". These will be for blocks that you manage on a global basis, and are never template-specific.

2. Keep the template-specific customizations, but have them always and only apply to that template. When you load a new SQX template file, you just eliminate the old ones and replace with the ones from the template (if any). No need to prompt for a decision to overwrite, create duplicate, or use the original.

I've also experienced endless corruptions of my custom blocks, and for this reason I'm always exporting them to XML to have an intact back up. I'd have to put some work into finding a specific sequence of actions that create the corruptions. But take my word for it - there's something going wrong and it happens frequently. It would be great if this feature was cleaned up so it is reliable.

Thank you.

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  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




07.02.2023 04:50

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07.02.2023 07:56
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19.02.2023 02:55
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