Possible money management error


For attached strategy, I used 100$ as risk.
Why we see losses greater than 100?

Screenshot 2023-02-28 155624.png
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Screenshot 2023-02-28 160016.png
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Screenshot 2023-02-28 155646.png
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Strategy 24649.sqx
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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




28.02.2023 15:01

Task created


Lee Guan Chuan

15.03.2023 09:27

Status changed from New to Fixed

Hello Alex,

After reviewing the issue, I believe it is accurate. However, there may be a few potential reasons why the stop loss did not execute at the exact risk amount. 

Firstly, the lot size was calculated using a fixed amount, which did not continuously monitor the trade and exit it based on the combined losses (profit loss + swap + commission). 

There are several factors that could have contributed to this, including the spread and bid-ask price. When exiting the trade, the actual exit price may differ from the set price due to price feed discrepancies or historical data inaccuracies. 

Lastly, it's worth noting that the profit loss amount have included commissions and swaps. You can add a column for commissions and swaps in the list of trades. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



15.03.2023 13:56
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Votes: +1

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