[Build 137.1639 RC3] Algowizard not showing all the brackets

If you look to the attached capture, you will see that Algowizard is showing only 7 opening brackets instead of 12 opening brackets.

In reality , Algowizard added automatically 12 opening brackets and 12 closing brackets, but it is showing only 7 opening brackets.

I know the 12 opening brackets are here because if I "Delete Opening Brackets" through the mouse menu, I need to do it 12 times.

This is only a misrepresentation of the brackets, not a error inside the template.

We need to be able to see all the brackets , could we see 20 brackets per line or moreĀ  ?

(78.26 KiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




20.05.2023 10:33

Task created



20.05.2023 10:33
Voted for this task.


20.05.2023 10:34

Description changed:

If you look to the attached capture, you will see that Algowizard is showing only 7 opening brackets instead of 12 opening brackets.

In reality , Algowizard added automatically 12 opening brackets and 12 closing brackets, but it is showing only 7 opening brackets.

I know the 12 opening brackets are here because if I "Delete Opening Brackets" through the mouse menu, I need to do it 12 times.

This is only a misrepresentation of the brackets, not a error inside the template.

We need to be able to see all the brackets , could we see 20 brackets per line or moreĀ  ?


Vojta Kordac

22.01.2024 13:44

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: +1

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