Comments for each rule and each template

Would it be possible to store a note in a template ?

Would it be possible to store a comment in each rule ?

When we work an older template, it can be complicated to see what was the main rules of the template without a comments or a note.

Each time we do an update, we need to write down which improvement we did.

As we are adding more rules, we need to be able to save a short explanation in each rule.

Please see the attached video

(85.68 KiB)
Comments Request2.mp4
(3.73 MiB)
  • Votes +1
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




19.09.2023 08:53

Task created



19.09.2023 08:53
Voted for this task.


19.09.2023 19:21

Subject changed from Comments for each rule to Comments for each rule and each template

Description changed:

Would it be possible to store a note in a template ?

Would it be possible to store a comment in each rule ?

When we work an older template, it can be complicated to see what was the main rules of the template without a comments or a note.

Each time we do an update, we need to write down which improvement we did.

As we are adding more rules, we need to be able to save a short explanation in each rule.

Please see the attached video

Votes: +1

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