Build 139.2001 RC1. Folder Tab to gather rules tab

As we are adding rules to our template, it is more and more difficult to find the rule we need to work with.

Would it be possible to classify the rules tab in a Folder Tab ?

It would be easier to navigate the rules.

For example, we could put all our exit rules under one folder tab.

And we could put 70 rules under 10 folder tab.

We would have more space on the screen with less rules tab

If we could create a folder tab and name it (like we do when we create a rule), then we could drag and drop each rule in these folder tab.

This would make our template very easy to understand, we  would save time and work faster

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  • Votes +1
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




04.05.2024 11:12

Task created



04.05.2024 11:12
Voted for this task.


04.05.2024 11:14

Description changed:

As we are adding rules to our template, it is more and more difficult to find the rule we need to work with.

Would it be possible to classify the rules tab in a Folder Tab ?

It would be easier to navigate the rules.

For example, we could put all our exit rules under one folder tab.

And we could put 70 rules under 10 folder tab.

We would have more space on the screen with less rules tab

If we could create a folder tab and name it (like we do when we create a rule), then we could drag and drop each rule in these folder tab.

This would make our template very easy to understand, we  would save time and work faster

Votes: +1

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