[Build 110] 110-AlgoWizard/Full Editor/IF CONDITIONS: Requirement: Block - 'Draw Text'

Dear Marc,

we have the block 'Draw Arrow'. In order not to ask too many requirements for the development of SQX I came up with the abbreviations for the AlgoWizard. Instead of other objects, it would be sufficient for the time being to include the block 'Draw Text' in the AlgoWizard. Much can be described with a text (headge, 2nd trade short, magic, 3th enter trade rule ....)!


Draw Text


Draws Text (fixed to the bars or fixed to the main chart window) objects with given parameters on the current chart. You can:

  • Draw new object every time the block runs
  • Draw single object and update it's placement and properties
  • Draw one object per bar
  • Draw one object per bar and update it's placement and properties

Output (in what case are they active?)

Once when the work is done.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




04.10.2018 07:28

Task created



04.10.2018 07:28
sorry....requirement block is for the Action

Votes: 0

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