AlgoWizard/Full Editor: MQL-Funktion: Block/Condition - 'Bucket of trades and orders'

Hi Marc,

Requirement for the AlgoWizard / Full Editor: Insert Condition 'Bucket of trades' for short - and long oders.

The block returns the number of open active and pending orders. Output is an integer or a double number (=> e.g .: 3 short trades are running; 5 pending long orders are open; 13 buy trades are running; Take profit is 10 pips)

Use this block when you want to get values from a group (bucket) of multiple trades. The block itself only loads the trades, then you can get and check the values for example by using the "Condition" block.

The values you can get from a bucket of trades are like Minimum, Maximum or Average Profit, Lot size, Stop Loss, Take Profit and more.

You can also associate the group of trades with a color (Bucket ID), which is similar to a number or a label. This allows you to load multiple groups at the same time and compare their values.



bucket of trades orders.jpg
(83.32 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




04.10.2018 07:29

Task created

Here only for orders and trades!!!

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