[122] AlgoWizard: closing brackets sometimes can not be deleted

After a If-Condition has been deleted in the main AlgoWirzard window, the closing brackets sometimes can not be deleted. The creation of an Expert Advisor must therefore be restarted.

I bought the product SQX in june 2017. So far, I have not been able to produce a simple Expert Advisor that meets my quality standards and could be created with a working SQX-AlgoWizard software: the software is not working yet.
after delete staies.jpg
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  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




19.10.2019 16:46

Task created



19.10.2019 17:04
... or set up a function that stores after each change the EA under a new serial number, so that the previous functional condition can be restored. Sometimes it is no possible with the undo bottum to make the last change undo.

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