Inability to apply random step ATR Based Stop and Trailing Stop configurations into 'Then Action(s)'

I have successfully  applied random step configurations into long and short entry signals. Refer (Capture 1) below.

However when I attempt to apply random step configurations  into the Stop Loss or Trailing Stop Loss in the 'Then Action' by selecting for example the ATR multiplier variable (Refer Capture 2).... to select  a range of 1:5:1 (1 start, 5 finish and 1 step)

My options then reduce to the ability to only apply a single string for a single variable. I now no longer can set  the randomiser for the ATR period for example. (refer Capture 3).

I want to be able to randomise both the multiplier and the ATR period in a stop or trail.

Please advise if this is a bug or if there is a workaround?



Capture 3.png
(40.12 KiB)
Capture 1.png
(81.11 KiB)
Capture 2.png
(99.54 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




23.07.2020 11:43

Task created



23.07.2020 11:46

Attachment DON Revision3.sqx added

DON Revision3.sqx
(3.98 KiB)
Please also find attached the Template I created for this project.



23.07.2020 12:04

Type changed from Feature to Bug


Mark Fric

26.04.2023 15:31

Status changed from New to Refused

Attachment image-0.png added

(7.99 KiB)
this is not really a bug, te formula for SL/PT is generated as a whole, setting the range for random doesn't have effect.

If you want to set the range you can use it this way - see screenshot. You create Number * ATR, and randomize the number.

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