Improve import of Random Groups and Custom Blocks

One things that would help make this feature run smoother is streamlining the import of the Random Group and Custom Blocks. Each time I switch strategies using different Random Groups and Custom Blocks, I have to go through a confusing and time consuming exercise of choosing what to do with my old customizations and the new ones from the imported file.

I suggest the following:

- Distinguish between Global and Strategy Specific customizations.
- The "global" Random Groups and Custom Blocks are stored at the application level, and only change when they are edited. 
- The "strategy specific" Groups and Blocks are imported each time you load a strategy, and they just replace what was previously there. 

It is understood, then, that if you want to keep your customizations for all strategies to use, you place them at the global level, and if you want to create strategy specific customizations, you can do that as well.

As a polishing feature, you might make it easy to move customizations between "strategy specific" scope and "global" scope.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




29.01.2021 10:22

Task created



29.01.2021 13:12
isnt it more simple to make new SQX directory?


29.01.2021 20:07
hankeys, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.


30.01.2021 13:54
that you will make more SQX directories with different blocks


30.01.2021 19:35
hankeye - I think there may be some misunderstanding regarding the request. The issue I'm reporting is that when you load an SQX template into the AlgoWizard that has different blocks from what was used previously, there's an arduous process for importing them. The solution I proposed is designed to help SQX make all the decisions for you. 

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