I am failing to apply my SQX license to the algowizard.io website

I am failing to apply my SQX license to the algowizard.io website. Nothing is happening when I enter the license and click validate. 

When I login with bd****ra@outlook.com I am redirected and end up at https://app.algowizard.io/?plan=login-Free
When I click on Verify button on the Manage Plan window, nothing is happening.

Yes, I am still having the same problem. Are you able to delete my algowizard.io account so that I can recreate it and link to my SQX account?
I have tried to apply the license on a different browser but am still unable to make it work.

I am happy to share my password with you so that you can try on your end.

ticket BQM-DQBXQ-415

(86.59 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal



Tomas Hruby

02.07.2021 16:33

Description changed:

I am failing to apply my SQX license to the algowizard.io website. Nothing is happening when I enter the license and click validate. 

When I login with bd****ra@outlook.com I am redirected and end up at https://app.algowizard.io/?plan=login-Free
When I click on Verify button on the Manage Plan window, nothing is happening.

ticket BQM-DQBXQ-415


Tomas Hruby

02.07.2021 16:35

Description changed:

I am failing to apply my SQX license to the algowizard.io website. Nothing is happening when I enter the license and click validate. 

When I login with bd****ra@outlook.com I am redirected and end up at https://app.algowizard.io/?plan=login-Free
When I click on Verify button on the Manage Plan window, nothing is happening.

Yes, I am still having the same problem. Are you able to delete my algowizard.io account so that I can recreate it and link to my SQX account?
I have tried to apply the license on a different browser but am still unable to make it work.

I am happy to share my password with you so that you can try on your end.

ticket BQM-DQBXQ-415

Votes: 0

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