AlgoWizard (SQX Pro 135.868) - Editing large strategies can cause rule corruption

Here's how to reproduce the issue:

Using AlgoWizard Build 135, load file "Bricks Test - Copy.sqx"
Select "NewBar" rule tab -> 'Add another action' to add a second action line -> 'Assign Variable:'
Select variable -> MACDFastEMA = 
Select Values -> Funtcions -> Plus(+)
Select #Right# -> Other -> dvar -> MACDFastEMA
Slect #Left" -> Functions -> Multiplication(*)
Select #Left# -> Other -> dvar -> BrickStart
Select #Right# -> Other -> dvar -> MACDFastEMA
Now this entry appears duplicated as 2 action lines
Now select the "Initialize" rule tab
Now when you go back to "NewBar" rule tab, the 2 action lines are different
The second action line now reads as a duplicate of one from the "Initialize" rule tab, assigning to variable BrickStart
and the third action line appears to be the one we originally added, assigning to variable MACDFastEMA
Going to the Source code and viewing the MT4 source code, we see only the 1st and 3rd lines, which is what we entered.
The duplicated "Initialize" action line does not show up in the source code, although it is still there if we go 'Back to editor' 
If you Save the strategy (.sqx) and re-load from file, the "NewBar" rule appears correct, as it did in source code
If you had tried to Delete the extra action line, things just seem to get even more corrupted.
Adding a 3rd action, Assign variable, MACDSlowEMA, follow similar input and the duplicate line appears even sooner.

Bricks Test - Copy.sqx
(5.69 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




31.08.2022 13:36

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31.08.2022 13:36
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Vojta Kordac

18.11.2022 16:00

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