StockPicking for non-US trading session such as AEDT, etc and non-US Index & ETF

Hi Team,

I am looking to enable Stockpicking for the ASX stocks trading between 10AM to 4PM AEDT, but there is no field to type into that period of time.
Can we have that for Stockpicking configuration?

Also, can we have a list of non-US index or ETF such as the All Ordinaries (XAO) Australia.


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  • Votes +1
  • Project AlgoWizard
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




23.02.2023 02:38

Task created



28.02.2023 09:33
Also, including Australian Stocks

Mark Fric

01.03.2023 14:05

it shouldn't be a problem to define custom stock group with ASX stocks - there are ASX stocks in our SQ Data service.

You don't need to define the time anywhere, stockpicker trades on daily timeframe.

So generating/testing strategies on ASX or your other stocks imported manually shouldn't be a problem.

The question is how you'll trade it. We are developing ou own cloud trading platform to trade this kind of strategies, but we'll support only US exchanges initially. 

We plan to add other exchanges in the future, but I cannot tell you when.


22.03.2023 14:02
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