Bug importing xlsx from TradeStation performance report

- error loading using ZuluTrade loader - Automatic detection of date format failed. Reason: Incorrect trade definition!?
Line: All Trades,Winners,Losers,
- error loading using Multicharts loader - Sheet index (4) is out of range (0..0)
- error loading using ForexSB loader - Failed to parse row: Total Number of Trades,755.0,428.0,327.0, - Cannot get a numeric value from a text cell
- error loading using Tradestation loader - Failed to load Tradestation report file: apolo-01.xlsx - Sheet index (7) is out of range (0..0)

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  • Votes +1
  • Project QuantAnalyzer
  • Type Bug
  • Status New
  • Priority Low




20.12.2023 19:42
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