Suggestion to add: Equity Control Option: (Moving Average Crossover)


 I just want to suggest one option in equity control, I know if you
 have programming Skills you can do it but not everyone does so. I
 just wish adding very important option (Increase position size when
 the equity is above the MA and/ with (at same time strategy) cutting
 down position size when the equity is below the equity MA), or at least
 if you could provide us with the code for this one will be appreciated.

This option will significantly increase profit and protect from deeper draw-downs, if you agree please vote for this task.

attached photo from another software shows the options I am talking about:

Moving Average Crossove.png
(776.10 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project QuantAnalyzer
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Low



Wael AlAboud

03.09.2020 08:33

Task created



03.09.2020 10:32

Description changed:


 I just want to suggest one option in equity control, I know if you
 have programming Skills you can do it but not everyone does so. I
 just wish adding very important option (Increase position size when
 the equity is above the MA and/ with (at same time strategy) cutting
 down position size when the equity is below the equity MA), or at least
 if you could provide us with the code for this one will be appreciated.

This option will significantly increase profit and protect from deeper draw-downs, if you agree please vote for this task.

attached photo from another software shows the options I am talking about:

and what next? - OK you will have this analysis from QA, but how to trade those kind of analysis

for now, we have no way how to trade it in our accounts

Votes: 0

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