improving comparing results.

Hi, I would like to compare the historical drawdown with the results of the current
SQX testing and live trading at, same time. for example, SQX backtest
from 2003.05.05 to 2018.12.31 which show me basic knowledge about strategy
like profit factor, max dd in pips, net profit, numbers of trades.
This information will be compared with real trading results and SQX
backtest for the same time period which means 2019.01.01 till today.
This solution save my time to evaluation of the results.
  • Votes +1
  • Project QuantAnalyzer
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Low




21.11.2020 21:37

Task created



23.11.2020 21:41

Yes hankeys, QuantAnalyzer.



19.01.2021 18:38

Description changed:

Hi, I would like to compare the historical drawdown with the results of the current
SQX testing and live trading at, same time. for example, SQX backtest
from 2003.05.05 to 2018.12.31 which show me basic knowledge about strategy
like profit factor, max dd in pips, net profit, numbers of trades.
This information will be compared with real trading results and SQX
backtest for the same time period which means 2019.01.01 till today.
This solution save my time to evaluation of the results.



14.03.2021 20:49
Voted for this task.

Votes: +1

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