Limit Upper bound of portfolio constituents to mathematical limit

The Max # of strategies in possible numbers for the Portfolio Compiler should be capped at the max allowed strategies from the same sector * the number of unique strategy sectors in the Simple strategies list.

For e.g, if I have 11 unique sectors as below, and I have the max allowed strategies from the same sector set as 1, the portfolio size cannot be greater than 11, so I should not be able to increase the max portfolio size past 11.

If I set the max allowed strategies from the same sector set as 2, in the same scenario, the max portfolio size should be capped at 22.

Instead, the max portfolio size is a user defined input and if the user does not know what they are doing they could dramatically increase processing time.
(103.48 KiB)
(115.65 KiB)
  • Votes 0
  • Project QuantAnalyzer
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Low




31.05.2021 20:57

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