symbol propierties on FXT is getting 3 first letter symbol name instead of real currency symbol

I've realised that fxt generated by QuantDataManager doesn't work in some cases.

I saw this problem with indexes.

I've checked symbol propierties inside your FXT, and i've seen something strange.

For example if i put symbol NAME: ES35 (real symbol name on my broker) currency symbol is "ES3" (instead of EUR). That makes backtest doesn't works (cannot calculate prices). Of course, MT4 try to find currency ES3 and doesn't exists.

So please, you need to fix this bug.

A cool suggestion to improve that is to deploy a similar solucion than tickstory. They read FXT to get symbol propierties, and so you can make a backtest on mt4, wich generates a fxt, and if you extract symbol propierties from this fxt file, you'll have exactly same propierties you need on FXT generated by QuantDataManager.

Please send me email to to follow this issue. 

Thank you.


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  • Votes 0
  • Project QuantDataManager
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




16.08.2019 00:55

Task created



16.08.2019 01:03

Description changed:

I've realised that fxt generated by QuantDataManager doesn't work in some cases.

I saw this problem with indexes.

I've checked symbol propierties inside your FXT, and i've seen something strange.

For example if i put symbol NAME: ES35 (real symbol name on my broker) currency symbol is "ES3" (instead of EUR). That makes backtest doesn't works (cannot calculate prices). Of course, MT4 try to find currency ES3 and doesn't exists.

So please, you need to fix this bug.

A cool suggestion to improve that is to deploy a similar solucion than tickstory. They read FXT to get symbol propierties, and so you can make a backtest on mt4, wich generates a fxt, and if you extract symbol propierties from this fxt file, you'll have exactly same propierties you need on FXT generated by QuantDataManager.

Please send me email to to follow this issue. 

Thank you.


Attachment example1_QDM.png added

Attachment example2_QDM.png added


Petr Šomek

08.01.2020 12:38

Status changed from New to Fixed

currency fixed in fxt

Votes: 0

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