When QuantDataManager window is normal or maximise size, no other applications' windows can be selected?

I'm running Windows 10 Pro on Intel i5 Chip and 32Gb RAM. When QuantDataManager window is normal size or maximized size, no other applications' windows can be selected and given focus? Not with the mouse or keyboard short cuts?
Even right clicking the task bar does not bring up the pop up menu to access the Task Manager?
Once the QuantDataManager window has been minimized, then other windows programs become available for control?
I was going to add some screen captures but this bug even prevents me from making the screen captures using Window's Sniping Tool?
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  • Votes 0
  • Project QuantDataManager
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




05.01.2020 05:54

Task created



01.06.2020 12:48

Status changed from New to Fixed

Votes: 0

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