improve data import

I have somtimes a problem with the data import.

My workflow at the moment:
1)I record the tickdata from some brokers in a  currency.txt  file.
2) I import this currency.txt-file  into the Strategyquant 3.8.2 ... 4.X
=> all works fine.
But somtimes the currency.txt file gets corrupted. Somtimes a line in this file have an unexpected format.
The Strategyquant remember this and give me the linenumber.

A autocorrect will be good.
If the linenumber is not correct the Strategyquant can give me the linenumber and delete the corrupt line automaticaly.
This will be fine.
(Sometimes this datafile currency.txt is very big)

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




07.06.2017 11:10

Task created


Mark Fric

16.06.2017 17:18

Status changed from New to Refused

it would be dangerous to auto-correct anything in the imported file. 

If the imported file has some error it means something is not right and it should be fixed.

Votes: 0

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