Cannot zoom into the Equity Chart + Equity Chart configurations of view (like DD%/DD$/DD in pips etc) are not saved when switching + aren't Grow Points view suppose to be Green and not Red?

Cannot zoom into the Equity Chart 
+ Equity Chart configurations of view (like DD%/DD$/DD in pips etc) are not saved when switching
 + aren't Grow Points view suppose to be Green and not Red?

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




17.06.2017 12:09

Task created


Mark Fric

21.07.2017 11:40

Status changed from New to Confirmed

we are working on new equity chart component, it should be finished in the new update. All these issues will be fixed there.

Mark Fric

25.08.2017 09:34

Status changed from Confirmed to Fixed

we have new equity chart component since Beta 5, it will support zooming as well. I'm not sure everything will work already in Beta 5, but it will be finished for sure in Beta 6.

Votes: 0

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