SQ Running for 2 days - No Strategies

SQ 4 beta 2 is more stable now. However, is only generating strategies with the default data downloaded with it at 1 min tf! After deleting old data and importing new dukascopy data,
SQ has been running but not one strategy has been generated.

Further suggestions:
1. Selection button of strategies in the databank section.
2. There is a next button but no back button.
3. As you can see, generated strategies - dismissed strategies have no net in the bank! where have these gone?

A little frustrating experience but a lot more stable than beta 1
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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




21.06.2017 11:46

Task created


Mark Fric

21.07.2017 11:24

Status changed from New to Fixed

this should be fixed now, the reason why there were no strategies in databank is that there was an exception in backtest.


04.09.2017 16:57

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