Deleting strategies from databank doesn't work correctly

see screenshots - I had a few strategies in databank and deleted them using Clear all.

Problem 1: The mini result panels were still there even when no strategies existed.
Problem 2: I started new generation, then clicked on some generated strategy to go to Results. It displayed error message that some strategy doesn't exist. I assume it was a strategy that was deleted in the previous step and it was still remembered somewhere.

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal



Mark Fric

27.06.2017 08:35

Task created



29.06.2017 07:30

I've been in this situation, too.


Mark Fric

30.06.2017 14:37

Status changed from New to Fixed

should be fixed now


04.09.2017 13:35

Attachment 1ccca9a84347e20.png deleted



04.09.2017 13:37

Attachment 3690e605a78f7c9.png deleted

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