Seems like there is an infrastructure that manage the magic numbers for the use of multiple orders in 1 strategy, but ........

Seems like there is an infrastructure that manage the magic numbers for the use of multiple orders in 1 strategy, but it seems that SQ4 cannot find any strategies that use multiple orders in a 1 strategy..

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  • Votes 0
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Refused
  • Priority Normal




01.07.2017 11:05

Task created


Mark Fric

29.08.2017 11:18

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

what exactly do you need? can you describe it in more details?

You can select order by its magic number, but it depends on how exactly you want to use it.


Mark Fric

11.05.2018 10:44

Status changed from Waiting for information to Refused

multiple orders (scaling) is a planned feature in SQ4, it will be done later

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