Crazy bug which close price were changed in 137RC1

As you can see, when building strategy  with custom project or Builder , performance report is seriously distorted.

From the trade list, we can see that some of the closing prices have been significantly increased by 100 million. In fact, there is no such price in the data. This is easy to reproduce.That is really crazy bug.
I've had this problem with at least two instrument, and it's not clear what causes these phenomena, and now it doesn't work at all on the 137RC1 version.

pg HOT-Minute-Trade.rar
(2.36 MiB)
crazy bug.jpg
(1.33 MiB)
  • Votes +2
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Bug
  • Status Fixed
  • Priority Normal




09.04.2023 04:00

Task created



09.04.2023 04:02
Voted for this task.


10.04.2023 16:08
Voted for this task.

Lee Guan Chuan

16.04.2023 14:48

Status changed from New to Waiting for information

Hi there, 

Could you please provide me with a list of the problematic strategies? It appears that one of the indicators used to determine the close price is causing an issue. 

Thanks in advance.



17.04.2023 12:33
to Lee :

      Sure,  But now I have a more disturbing problem. I can barely start SQX.No matter the version of 136 or 137dev4, 137rc1. It always reminds me that there is a instance or port conflict. But I checked and there was no identification of any relevant processes and ports.  I am waiting for remote session, please wait some days



17.04.2023 13:24

Attachment Strategy 31135.sqx added

Attachment Strategy 31167.sqx added

Attachment Strategy 31171.sqx added

Attachment Strategy 31173.sqx added

Attachment Strategy 31197.sqx added

Strategy 31135.sqx
(137.50 KiB)
Strategy 31173.sqx
(39.03 KiB)
Strategy 31197.sqx
(129.31 KiB)
Strategy 31167.sqx
(95.89 KiB)
Strategy 31171.sqx
(132.54 KiB)
attach 5 stratgies


05.05.2023 16:20
to Lee:

        Is this defect only related to some indicators?I found that the probability of this problem is very high.Can it be solved in version 137 final?


Lee Guan Chuan

11.05.2023 10:15

Status changed from Waiting for information to Fixed

Hello binhsir,

It was caused by the "Use Initial SL & PT" in the trading options. I have fixed this.

Thank you.

Votes: +2

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