On Demand Chart for existing Strategy


Current Situation
The current situation if user wants to see how the strategy trades on the price chart (https://strategyquant.com/doc/strategyquant/results-trades-on-chart/ ), user needs to pull the strategy on a retester, set the store chart option, run a retest.  This works if the user wants to see large bulk of strategy charts, however, storing charts for large number of strategies is not optimal and the workflow is very cumbersome for users whom might only want to cherry pick two or three interesting strategies to dive into the charts.  Hence, storing charts as default in the strategy is not optimal.

The "Trades on chart" should always be available.  If the charts are not stored, there would be a button to do a retest to see the trades.  There should be a selector switch to allow user to save charts if required.

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  • Votes +1
  • Project StrategyQuant X
  • Type Feature
  • Status New
  • Priority Normal




26.04.2023 07:12

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27.04.2023 14:52
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